Thursday, June 2, 2011

Outer Banks

Thanks to the persistent persuasion of some very good friends I decided to do the (in)famous LDS YSA MD getaway... DB. Translation: Latter Day Saint Young Single Adult Memorial Day getaway... 'Duck Beach'.

I knew I would be leaving the East Coast in less than two months, and that it would be a great chance to see a lot of my favorite people. It has also been tradition for the four years I've lived here, and oh yeah it's THE BEACH. I was so happy I went.

My highlights were great talks and walks on the beach with good friends, unforgettable car ride confessions, Lance's AMAZING Cafe Rio style salad (I may have had two portions and subsequently suffered an intense stomach ache), perfect weather, the view from Kitty Hawk during a rain shower, early morning runs with friends, a solitary post run dip in the ocean (so refreshing), Monday morning dance party (also tradition) and a healthy reminder that the beach is my element. That reminder was great timing as I get ready to head back to my home state and leave a lot.. A LOT of people, memories, experiences, and places that I love here in the East.

A little bit of documentation...

Me, Patrish, Morgan in our matchy scratchy very posh, very expensive shades (Target: $1 each)

Beckah, Me, Heather... one of my favorite DC trios

Puerto Rican Hammock idea didn't turn out quite as I had hoped. I think laying on that wood deck may have been more comfortable...

Sunday nap with Sar, Suz, Ash

A little blurry, and some heads are cut off. The house crew. I loved how chill our house was. Good people.

Patrish and me reunited after an agonizing 3 days of missing out on regular roommate chats. Kinda rediculous how much I missed my roommates.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

beeeeeach. i love how (not) sexy i am in my headband.