Sunday, May 15, 2011

They should be famous

I'm just going to brag a little... about two people who are really really amazing. I could actually do this for all of my friends. I sometimes wonder how the heck I met such incredible people, and am satisfied with just feeling grateful for a consistently undeserved blessing in my life.

Sheryl. This says it all.

Patrish. Where to even start with this girl. She is my friend and roommate and one of the most down to earth, talented, humble, outgoing, fun, beautiful in every way people I know. She is a loyal friend. Her faith could move mountains. She remembers the little things that are important to people and really cares about others. She is a 'friend who knows', and will be a 'mother who knows' (referencing Sister Beck's address). And I LOVE when she sings. Here is one of my favorite songs ever. She just so happened to compose it along with Amy.
A song by Danny Cranny (not very well known accoustic and vocal artist)makes me think of her: "...she's childlike. She sees life simple. It's clear, to her. She sees the little things, that people miss. They're big and bright to her. She sees by faith, not fame, to take her higher..."

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