Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Despite my story-telling insecurities, I have recently made a breakthrough in my classroom. It might just be possible to have moments of greatness even if I still have many areas to work as a teacher.

Friday night I was at CVS (let's not jump to hasty conclusions about my exciting social life) and found an amazing foam parrot hat. I thought I could definitely find some use for it in my classroom (along with the foam bookmarks and foam frogs I know my 8th graders will be fighting over- I'm starting a foam fad fyi).

Yesterday, after a nice couple of relaxing teacher workdays, I was feeling renewed and rejuvenated and ready for a new start. I started classes as usual in Spanish but instead of picking up my 'Permiso para hablar ingles' sign (which I have to be holding in order to speak English) I dawned the dreaded parrot hat. The kids immediately looked at me like I had gone crazy (a look I'm getting more and more the longer I teach). And I told them that since it was too easy to just pick up the English sign, I would have to wear the hideous hat whenever I wanted to speak English. Their confused expressions turned to sheer amusement and stifled giggles, and miraculously the idea was golden. They were so eager to call me out that I didn't dare speak English, they were more focused and attentive throughout class, and it lightened the mood when I did have to put on the hat.

One break through at a time...
(picture ad provided for anyone considering investing in this surprisingly miraculous accessory- it will change your life, and yes I do look just about as rediculous as this girl)

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