Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sunrise Walks Lately

So funny how my timing very often is not the Lord's timing. When I found out I had Mono I thought I would be tired for a month MAX, then be back to normal life. That would have put me back to normal by January 1st. And here it is April 3rd. Spring has arrived. The weather is beautiful. And my body does not seem to be cooperating with my timetable. Just as I was starting to feel better, able to run some mornings, go to the gym, be at work a full day, be social ... the mono returned.

But it's ok. This is what patience is about. And faith. And hope. And all the other lessons I am learning and attributes I am (hopefully) developing. I realized this morning as I was doing research on a subject into which I am putting a lot of effort in my life, that repetition and practice is how we learn. I have so much knowledge in this particular area but it takes reminding myself, working at it, and applying that knowledge to see the changes.

This applies to attributes. This experience will teach me many things, but it will not be the end of difficult experiences. I will need them throughout my life to teach me the very same principles I am learning now. Hopefully I learn them on a deeper level and gain new depths of understanding over time, but they really do come down to the same basic principles.

I am so grateful that the people in my life have stood out more than ever as my greatest blessings. I am inspired to be a better person, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, teacher, colleague, as my friends and family show unbelievable love, patience, and acceptance.

So the sunrise walks which are keeping me sane lately...

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