Saturday, August 27, 2011


Oh how I love living close to one of my favorite people in the world... who also happens to be my sister. I know, she's gorgeous, and she is glowing, and I wish I looked more like her. Somehow Tressa became Tress became Fergress became Fergresser. And somehow Melissa became Melfrel became Frel became Freller became Shmeller became Shmell.

She came up to Palo Alto for the day and we went to the best produce place and had a hay day, drove by my new school, went to Wahoo's for HUGE salads, got froyo, traded massages. Then we were really warn out from our busy day and felt like we needed naps:)


Kimberly3 said...

oh how i miss you beautiful women! and yummy california produce :>)

thecolorgr3y said...

Hi Melissa! My name is Jonathan griswold. I was good friends with tressa in hs. I have been wanting to say hi and catch up with her forever! I am moving and was looking at my year books today and was like I gotta find out how tressa is doing. Does she have a fb or Instagram ? I can't find her anywhere. Thank you!