for birthdays... How is it that every year I am less excited (not that I dread it- it just seems like less of a big deal) for my birthday, and somehow every year my Birthday gets better and better? I'll admit, I do get excited for
General Conference but the actual birthday part of it not so much. Why does it get better every year? And why was yesterday one of my favorite days ever? For the same reasons I'm about to express gratitude:
for the gospel... Everything good in my life comes from the gospel, and more specifically from Christ, is made possible through Him. Everything that makes me happy and brings peace and understanding and love is because of Him. I am able to recognize what truly brings happiness when I am closer to Him, when I am strengthening my relationship with Him, and when I am striving to do His will. And especially, when I am feeling His love. I feel empowered, able to do hard things, and happy amidst the ups and downs of life.
for a family who loves me... I know that each member of my family was placed in it for a specific reason. We have ways that we will learn from and bless each other. I can see how our strengths and weaknesses and life experiences and personalities allow that to happen. My sisters are my best friends and my parents are my greatest examples. I feel so much love from them.
for friends who inspire me... last night when the guys were at Priesthood I had my girlfriends over for (as many of them said throughout the evening) 'my kind of party'. There was pedicures, good music, lots of herbal tea, yummy baked treats (which I successfuly avoided in hopes of a good night's sleep), and lots of love. As perfect a day as I'd already had, thinking it couldn't get any better, this was my favorite part of the day. I felt completely overwhelmed by just how incredible EACH of tose girls is, and to have 20 of them in the same room. It was one of those moments where something you haven't understood but have prayed to understand suddenly makes sense and there is a great sense of gratitude for answered prayers and increased understanding, and a tinge of guilt at not being grateful for what you previously considered a trial. I have often questioned why despite my desire to start a family that blessing has been delayed (both for me and for these amazing women by whom I am surrounded), and had faith that someday I would understand. Last night suddenly I was so grateful for the experiences I've had with roommates and friends that wouldn't have been possible had I been starting my own family. I know that both are worthy life paths and of course when the opportunity arises, I will be so grateful for the family path... but for right now I can honestly say that I am grateful for every aspect of my life, especially the friendships I have.
for teaching... I didn't know that I would love this profession when I decided to major in Spanish teaching. I just went with a prompting to be a teacher (which came after my sister Kimberly suggested it just after my return home from my mission). I didn't even know I would love it when I student taught, and I definitely didn't know I would love it (or even be able to last through the year) during my first year of teaching. I never thought that I would actually enjoy my career. And here I am feeling so blessed to love my job, and to find such great fulfilment in it. My favorite part? The kids. They amaze me. They are part of a chosen generation. They are smart, capable, talented, kind, mature,happy, and I have faith in them as our future. The people I work with also amaze me. They care so much about the students- and they are incredibly talented and caring people. I love to meet the parents of my students who care so much about every aspect of their children's lives. These particular kids have a lot of support at home. And as I see the family struggles that abound even in this ideal environment, although I have momentary lapses of worry and anxiety over how the kids are affected and whether or not they feel loved and see the bigger picture, I know that Heavenly Father loves them and will take care of them.
for health... That I have the ability to do my favorite things despite somtimes inconsistent health. That I have the energy to be a teacher. That I enjoy long runs and bike rides. That the body is amazing in its ability to recover and heal itself.
Just after I wrote this and before I posted it I watched the fourth session of conference. I loved when President Monson said, "To live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven." I agree:) I will try to hang on to this frame of mind.